Frequently Asked Questions

Does TijaraHub have branches in other countries?

Yes, TijaraHub has branches in Turkey and Egypt. For Türkiye, the branch is located in Maltepe, Yedikule Çırpıcı Yolu 2/45, 34010 Zeytinburnu, Istanbul. In Egypt, the branch is at Villa 16, Street 254, Maadi, Cairo.

How can I contact TijaraHub's corporate office?

You can contact TijaraHub's corporate office by calling +971 452 307 13 or via WhatsApp at +971 544 206 074.

How can I inquire about partnerships or collaborations with TijaraHub?

For inquiries regarding partnerships or collaborations with TijaraHub, please reach out to our corporate office using the provided contact details. You can call +971 452 307 13 or send an email to

Where is TijaraHub's corporate head office located?

TijaraHub's corporate head office is in Sharjah Media City (Shams), Al Messaned, Al Bataeh, Sharjah, UAE.

How can I become a member and start using TijaraHub's services?

To access and use our services, you need to register as a member on the TijaraHub website. Compliance with registration requirements is essential. Once registered, you gain access to a range of features tailored to enhance your business operations and connections within the TijaraHub community.

How does TijaraHub ensure the security of transactions on its platform?

TijaraHub prioritizes the security of transactions on its platform. We employ robust security measures and encryption protocols and regularly update our systems to safeguard user data and ensure secure business operations.

What happens if there is an issue with the products or services I've purchased through TijaraHub?

TijaraHub serves as a facilitator for transactions between buyers and suppliers. In case of any issues with products or services, please refer to the terms and conditions outlined in the Agreement with Supplier. TijaraHub will support the exchange of information between parties and assist in dispute resolution as needed.

What types of businesses can benefit from TijaraHub's services?

TijaraHub is designed for use by businesses and their representatives. Whether you are a manufacturer, distributor, or retailer, our platform caters to diverse businesses. Join us to streamline your supply chain, access a global network, and facilitate efficient transactions.

How can I contact TijaraHub's Egypt Branch?

TijaraHub's Egypt Branch is at Villa 16, Street 254, Maadi, Cairo. For any inquiries or assistance, call +20 2 2754 1414 or send a WhatsApp message to +20 15 5816 7243.

How can I contact TijaraHub's head office in the UAE?

You can reach TijaraHub's head office in the UAE at Sharjah Media City (Shams), Al Messaned, Al Bataeh, Sharjah. For inquiries, you can call +971 452 307 13 or message via WhatsApp at +971 544 206 074.

Is there an alternative contact method for TijaraHub branches?

Yes, apart from calling, you can also contact the respective branches of TijaraHub via WhatsApp. The WhatsApp numbers for the UAE, Türkiye, and Egypt branches are provided on the Contact Information page for convenient communication.

What are the contact details for TijaraHub's Türkiye branch?

TijaraHub's Türkiye Branch is located at Maltepe, Yedikule Çırpıcı Yolu 2/45, 34010 Zeytinburnu, Istanbul. To get in touch, call +90 850 309 6849 or send a WhatsApp message to +90 534 683 1310.

Can I share my TijaraHub account with others?

No, you cannot share your TijaraHub account with anyone other than your business entity. The account and its credentials are solely for your use, and any unauthorized sharing may result in suspension or cancellation at TijaraHub's discretion.

How are disputes resolved on TijaraHub?

Any disputes arising out of or in connection with the contract are subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the United Arab Emirates (UAE) courts. TijaraHub encourages users to communicate through the platform's interfaces to maintain a record of all transactions and communications.

How are payments handled on TijaraHub, and what fees apply?

Payments for products are handled through TijaraHub's website using available payment options. TijaraHub charges no fees, but payment fees related to transactions through the website and third-party payment gateways may apply. It's important to refer to the Payment Policy for details on payment processing.

How can I contact TijaraHub for customer service or inquiries?

You can contact TijaraHub's customer service team by telephone at +971 452 307 13 or via email at For formal notices related to the contract, please refer to the instructions in the relevant clause on the Terms and Conditions page.

What is Tijarahub's policy on returns and refunds?

Tijarahub allows clients to request returns, replacements, or refunds within 10 days from the date of delivery. Products can be returned only in cases of quality defects, wrong product delivery, or damage. It's essential to communicate through Tijarahub's official channels, and refunds or replacements are subject to agreement between the buyer and the seller within 15 working days.

What should I do if I encounter issues with the quality of the products I receive?

If you experience quality issues, wrong product delivery, or damage, you can request a return, replacement, or refund by emailing within 10 days of delivery. You’ll be asked for the order number, invoice, and the reason for the claim. Tijarahub will arrange for an inspection auditor to check the received products, with the cost initially borne by the buyer but refunded if product issues are found.

How does Tijarahub handle the inspection process?

Tijarahub offers varying levels of inspection to cater to different needs. These include Production Monitoring, Pre-shipping inspection, & Container Seal, and a combination of both. Our commitment is to provide a seamless inspection experience, assuring buyers and sellers of the quality and compliance of products listed on our platform.

Is Tijarahub's inspection service available globally?

Yes, Tijarahub's inspection services are not limited to a specific region. While we originated as pioneers in the Middle East and Turkey, we are expanding our network globally. Buyers and sellers around the world can benefit from our extensive inspection services, reinforcing the reliability and transparency of the transactions facilitated through our B2B e-commerce platform.

What is the difference between production monitoring and pre-shipping inspection on Tijarahub?

Production monitoring on Tijarahub involves real-time oversight of the manufacturing process, ensuring that products meet specified standards during production. On the other hand, Pre-shipping Inspection occurs after production but before shipping, focusing on the final product's quality, quantity, and compliance with agreed-upon specifications. The combination of both services offers a comprehensive approach to quality assurance.

What is the significance of inspection on Tijarahub?

Tijarahub recognizes the critical role of inspection in ensuring product quality and compliance. Inspection on our platform is a comprehensive process handled by renowned providers such as SGS, Intertek, Inspexion, and Tetra. Whether it's at the final destination or during production, our inspection services guarantee the integrity of products traded on our B2B e-commerce platform.

Who are the inspection providers associated with Tijarahub?

Tijarahub collaborates with industry-leading inspection providers to maintain the highest standards. Our current partners include SGS, Intertek, Inspexion, and Tetra. With these reputable organizations, we aim to facilitate trust and confidence in the products available on our platform, reinforcing our commitment to quality assurance.

Why would I choose a combination of pre-shipping inspection & container Seal on Tijarahub?

Opting for both pre-shipping inspection and container Seal provides an added layer of security and quality assurance for your products. A pre-shipping inspection ensures the product's conformity, while Container Seal guarantees that the goods remain intact during transportation. This dual approach enhances the overall reliability of the supply chain, offering peace of mind to buyers and sellers using Tijarahub's B2B e-commerce platform.

How does TijaraHub's Land Freight cater to businesses focusing on local markets?

TijaraHub's land freight option is tailored for regional or domestic trade, showcasing the platform's commitment to flexibility. With a reliable overland transportation network, this service ensures that products seamlessly reach their destination within the same geographic region, efficiently connecting businesses locally.

How does Traditional Air Freight by TijaraHub balance speed and affordability?

TijaraHub recognizes the importance of a well-balanced approach, and traditional air freight is the solution. This service remains a stalwart choice for businesses seeking reliable, cost-effective transportation. By balancing speed and affordability, it caters to a broad spectrum of shipping needs, providing a versatile solution for diverse product ranges.

What is the advantage of choosing TijaraHub's Express Air Freight?

TijaraHub's Express Air Freight is designed for businesses prioritizing speed and urgency. Leveraging the swiftness of air transport, this service ensures rapid delivery, making it ideal for time-sensitive shipments such as critical inventory or perishable goods. Trust TijaraHub to expedite shipping with efficiency.

Why choose TijaraHub's Sea Freight service for international shipments?

TijaraHub's Sea Freight service is ideal for the expansive reach of international trade, offering businesses a reliable and cost-efficient mode of transport for large shipments. This option is perfect for bulk goods or products with a longer lead time, allowing businesses to navigate global waters seamlessly.

Can I cancel my order after placing it on Tijarahub?

Yes, you have the right to cancel any order within five days from the order date without providing any specific reason. However, if a cancellation request is made after five days, it is subject to the order status and the seller's approval. Orders that have been shipped or are eight working days old cannot be canceled under any circumstances.

What happens if a dispute arises between the buyer and the seller on Tijarahub?

In case of a dispute, both parties must provide evidence within three working days. can extend the time limit for dispute resolution in cases of suspected fraud or necessary circumstances. If no agreement is reached after 15 working days, Tijarahub will assist both parties in reaching an agreement. Penalties may be imposed on uncooperative parties, potentially leading to being blocked from