The Honey Industry in Egypt: A Legacy of Success and Promising Prospects

Mart 31, 2024

Honey has been an integral part of Egyptian culture and cuisine for thousands of years. In ancient times, honey was not only valued as a sweetener but also revered for its medicinal properties and symbolic significance. The ancient Egyptians believed that honey was a gift from the gods and used it in religious ceremonies, embalming rituals, and even as a form of currency.

 Egypt's favorable climate, with its long, hot summers and fertile soil, provides ideal conditions for honey production. The country's diverse flora, including acacia, citrus, and clover, offers a wide variety of nectar sources for bees to forage from, resulting in a diverse range of honey flavors and aromas.

Unlocking Insights: Key Statistics on Egyptian Natural Honey Market Size and

 Egypt is one of the world’s leading bee-keeping countries and produces more than (15,000 tons) of honey from (2 billion beehives) annually in addition to more than 1.2 billion live bee packages. While Egyptian consumption of honey reached 4,000 metric tons consumed‎ in 2021, and it’s set to reach (4,100 metric tons) by 2026, a 0.5% annual increase since 2021

In 2023, Egyptian Exports of Natural Honey reached (2,049.0 tons) with an increase of 22% compared with 2022. Regarding the top importing countries, Saudi Arabia is the top destination for the Egyptian natural honey with a share of (40%) followed by Morocco, Tunisia, and United Arab Emirates with shares of (22%), (9%), and (5%) respectively.





Driver: Increasing Favor Towards Organic and Natural Products

 The honey market in Egypt is experiencing significant growth, largely driven by the increasing preference among consumers for organic and natural products. In today's era, where health and wellness play a central role in consumer choices, honey is highly valued for its natural qualities. In contrast to artificial sweeteners, honey is perceived as a healthier and more wholesome option.

This upsurge in demand for organic goods can be attributed to a growing awareness of the harmful effects of chemicals and additives in food. As Egyptians prioritize their health, they actively seek products free from artificial preservatives, colors, and flavors. Honey, with its natural sweetness and numerous health benefits, is increasingly favored as a substitute for sugar and synthetic sweeteners. The organic farming movement within Egypt's honey market is gaining momentum, driving the demand for natural products. Consequently, there's a rising trend among consumers not only to seek honey but specifically to opt for honey sourced from bees foraging in organic farms or natural settings.

Moreover, the discourse surrounding organic and natural products extends beyond health considerations. Consumers are increasingly concerned about sustainability and environmental stewardship. Choosing organic products, such as honey, resonates with these values as it supports sustainable farming practices and biodiversity conservation.

Trend: Digitalization and E-commerce

In the era of digital transformation, the honey market in Egypt is experiencing the impact of change. Particularly, e-commerce has emerged as a significant trend, transforming the dynamics of producer-consumer interactions. With the proliferation of digital platforms and online marketplaces, even small-scale beekeepers now have access to a broader, often global, audience.

 The digital revolution offers more than just a means of sales; it serves as a platform for education and awareness. Producers are leveraging these platforms to educate consumers about the diverse range of honey varieties, their distinctive properties, and associated benefits. Interactive blogs, video content, and customer reviews are playing a crucial role in demystifying various aspects of honey consumption, spanning from its production processes to culinary applications. This digital engagement is nurturing a more knowledgeable consumer base, keen on exploring the intricacies of honey, whether it involves discovering mono-floral varieties or understanding the principles of sustainable beekeeping.

Challenge: Climate Change is Putting Egypt’s Honey Industry Under Threat

While the honey market in Egypt presents abundant opportunities, it also encounters notable challenges, predominantly rooted in ecological and environmental issues. Globally, bee populations confront threats, and Egypt is no exemption. Climate change stands out as a significant menace to bee populations. Unpredictable weather patterns, extended droughts, or untimely rains can disrupt natural harmony, impacting floral sources and consequently, honey production. A direct repercussion is diminished honey yields, which not only disturb the supply-demand balance but also jeopardize the livelihoods of numerous beekeepers.

Additionally, pest infestations, particularly by the Varroa destructor mite, pose another hurdle. This mite targets bee colonies, resulting in debilitated bees and, in severe instances, complete colony collapse. While treatments exist, they might not always be accessible or affordable for small-scale beekeepers. Moreover, the indiscriminate use of pesticides in agriculture poses a further threat to the bee population in the nation. Despite being intended to safeguard crops; these chemicals often harm beneficial pollinators like bees. Pesticide exposure can lead to bee fatalities, impaired navigation abilities, and reduced reproductive success. Considering that a significant proportion of Egypt's honey is derived from bees that forage on agricultural crops, the consequences of pesticide usage are profound.

Enhance Your Kitchen's Worth: Explore TijaraHub's Assortment of Natural Honey!

 Whether  you enjoy plain honey or prefer flavors and nuts , all are available at TijaraHub through this link: TijaraHub Natural Honey Collection. The platform showcases premium natural honey products sourced from a variety of Egyptian vendors like: Al Arrab Pure, Zayn Shop, Zadna, Elaf Natural   


Discover a variety of services available at TijaraHub

Effortless Worldwide Procurement

TijaraHub simplifies the global sourcing journey for natural honey. Our easy-to-navigate platform enables businesses to discover a variety of options, engage with suppliers, and smoothly finalize transactions. Optimize your time and resources through our simplified B2B trading experience.

Competitive Pricing

We understand the importance of cost-effectiveness in your business. TijaraHub offers competitive pricing on natural honey section, through a diversified collections and different tastes displayed by well-known vendors from Egypt and Turkey.

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