UAE Kitchen Secrets: A Glimpse into UAE Sauces & Dressings Market

يناير 28, 2024

UAE Sauces

The culinary landscape of the United Arab Emirates (UAE) has undergone a remarkable transformation in recent years, with a growing focus on diverse flavours and international cuisines. One significant aspect contributing to this change is the burgeoning market for sauces and dressings. In this article, we will explore the current trends, consumer behaviour, consumption patterns, and the leading brands that are shaping the sauces and dressing market in the UAE.

 Sales Revenues Reflecting the Growing Demand and Export Opportunities

In 2022, UAE imports from sauces and dressings reached (92.4 thousand tonnes) with an increase of 5% compared with 2021, reflecting the growing demand.  United States of America is the top supplying market with a share of 22% of total imports, followed by Oman, Philippines, and Egypt with volumes reached (11.6), (8.2) and (5.8) thousand tonnes respectively. (Source: ITC – Trade Map) 

As for the top imported products; mayonnaise, barbeque sauce, ranch sauce, salad dressings and dips are ranked first with volumes reached (61.7 thousand tonnes) in 2022, contributing to a share of 67% of total imports, followed by tomato Ketchup, soya sauce, and mustard contributing to a share of (23%), (7%), and (3%) respectively. Older young adults (25-34 years) accounted for the highest consumption of seasonings, dressings and sauces in the country.

 Health, Diverse, and Convenience dominate Trends in the UAE Sauces and Dressing Market

As consumers become increasingly health-conscious, there is a rising demand for healthier alternatives in the sauces and dressing market. Brands are responding by introducing products with reduced sugar, salt, and preservatives, while incorporating natural and organic ingredients.

The UAE's multicultural population has led to a growing appreciation for diverse cuisines. Consumers are seeking unique and exotic flavours from around the world, driving the demand for international sauces and dressings. Brands are introducing products inspired by Mediterranean, Asian, and Latin American cuisines to cater to this trend.

The fast-paced lifestyle in the UAE has led to a surge in demand for convenient and ready-to-use sauces and dressings. Single-use sachets and innovative packaging designs are gaining popularity, making it easier for consumers to add flavour to their meals on the go.


Diverse Culinary Influences Consumer Behaviour and Consumption Patterns: 

The multicultural nature of the UAE has resulted in a diverse culinary landscape. Consumers are incorporating sauces and dressings into traditional Middle Eastern dishes, as well as experimenting with fusion cuisines, creating a unique blend of flavours.

The COVID-19 pandemic has influenced a shift towards homemade meals, with consumers experimenting with various cuisines in the comfort of their homes. This has increased the demand for versatile sauces and dressings that can enhance the flavour of home-cooked dishes. 

The UAE's enthusiasm for outdoor activities and social gatherings has fuelled a thriving grilling and barbecuing culture. This has led to a heightened demand for marinades, barbecue sauces, and dressings that complement grilled meats and vegetables.

Meals Emirati People Usually Add Dressing On:

  • Salads: Traditional salads and contemporary salad bowls are popular choices for dressing additions. Consumers are opting for a variety of dressings, from classic vinaigrettes to exotic flavours like tahini-based dressings.
  • Grilled Meats and Seafood: Dressings and marinades play a crucial role in enhancing the flavours of grilled meats and seafood. Whether it's a zesty lemon herb dressing or a smoky barbecue sauce, these additions elevate the dining experience.
  • Dipping Sauces: Snacking culture in the UAE has led to an increased demand for dipping sauces. Whether it's accompanying fries, chicken wings, or spring rolls, consumers are seeking unique and flavourful dipping options.

Leading Brands in the UAE Sauces and Dressing Market:

  • Mai Dubai: Mai Dubai has gained prominence in the market with its diverse range of sauces and dressings, offering both traditional Middle Eastern flavours and international varieties.
  • Al Islam Foods: Known for its commitment to quality, Al IslamFoods has a range of sauces and dressings that cater to the preferences of consumers looking for halal and wholesome options.
  • Knorr: As a globally recognized brand, Knorr has a strong presence in the UAE, offering a wide selection of sauces and dressings that align with international and local tastes.

Flavourful Finesse: Navigate TijaraHub's Sauces and Dressing Collection

If you’re looking for savoury, yummy, and delicious sauces and dressings, check the diversified collection at introduced by the Egyptian vendor: Matrix Food Industries through this link:

Matrix Tijarahub


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