Modesty and Style: Explore the World of Women's Shirts & Blouses in Saudi Arabia"

Ocak 15, 2024

In recent years, the fashion industry in Saudi Arabia has undergone a remarkable transformation particular focus on women's clothing. The demand for women's shirts and blouses has experienced a surge, showcasing a shift in societal norms and preferences. This article explores the growing market for women's shirts and blouses in Saudi Arabia, clarifying its emerging trends and dynamics, that highlight the high demand and key factors shaping the industry.

Sales Revenues Reflecting the Growing Demand and Export Opportunities

In 2022, Saudi Arabia imports from women shirts and blouses reached (USD 61.8 million) with an increase of 26.6% compared with 2021, reflecting the growing demand.  China is the top supplying country with nearly half of total imports, followed by Morocco, India, and Turkey with values USD (7.4), (6.3) and (4.1) million respectively. As per “The State of Fashion in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia”  latest report published by the Saudi Fashion, women blouses and shirts in Saudi Arabia recorded )USD 1,127.0 million( in 2022 and it’s forecasted to reach )USD 1,321.0 million( in 2027.

Cultural Transformations:

Traditionally, Saudi Arabian women's attire was defined by modesty and conservatism. However, recent years have witnessed a notable cultural shift, with women embracing more diverse and contemporary styles. According to a study, the demand for modern and fashionable clothing has increased by 25% in the last three years. This reflects changing social dynamics and increasing empowerment and participation of women in various sectors.


High Demand for Diversity:

One of the most significant insights driving the demand for women's shirts and blouses is the increasing desire for diversity in clothing options. According to retail sales data from major fashion outlets in Saudi Arabia, there has been a 30% increase in the sales of diverse styles, including traditional long tunics, modern blouses, and shirts with intricate designs. This surge is attributed to women seeking a balance between cultural norms and expressing individuality through fashion.

Economic Empowerment:

As more Saudi women enter the workforce and pursue careers, there is a growing need for professional and business-casual attire. Studies shows a steady annual growth of 15% in the sales of work-appropriate women's shirts and blouses. This significant shift in the workforce has prompted fashion brands to create collections tailored to the diverse needs of working women in Saudi Arabia.

Influence of social media and E-Commerce:

The rise of social media platforms and the widespread use of e-commerce have played a pivotal role in shaping fashion trends in Saudi Arabia. Studies indicate that 70% of Saudi women admitted to being influenced by social media when making fashion choices. This increased exposure has led to a demand for shirts and blouses that align with international fashion while respecting local sensibilities, resulting in a 20% year-over-year increase in online sales.


Local and International Brands:

Both local and international brands are capitalizing on the growing demand for women's shirts and blouses in Saudi Arabia. According to retail sales data from [Fashion Retail Association], international fashion houses have experienced a 12% increase in sales in the Saudi market. Simultaneously, local designers are thriving, contributing to the market with collections that fuse traditional elements into modern silhouettes. This collaboration has resulted in a diverse array of offerings catering to the rich tapestry of Saudi fashion.

Elegance Unleashed: Explore Women Fashion Section at TijaraHub:

If you’re looking for trendy, modest, and stylish clothes, check the diversified collection of women clothes at TijaraHub through this link:

The platform displays high quality items form Egyptian and Turkish vendors. Strating from the basic leggings and easy to wear cotton set from the Egyptian brand Champs Land and SK Shop , to sportswear from Libra Sport and classic shirts and kimono from the Turkish brand  FemCasual


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We understand the importance of cost-effectiveness in your business. TijaraHub offers competitive pricing on women fashion section, through a diversified collections and different tastes displayed by well-known vendors from Egypt and Turkey. 

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