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سبتمبر 6, 2023

نورهان عبد الرحمن القفص

باحثة متمرسة بشغف قوي لاستراتيجيات التجارة الدولية وتصدير السلع، يتضمن سجلي الوظيفي مشاركة واسعة مع منظمات تطوير التجارة الدولية والمشاريع الحكومية الضخمة، ولدي خبرة في المهارات التحليلية والإدارة والعمل الجماعي.

Olive oil has been an integral part of Turkish culture and cuisine for thousands of years. Turkey's unique geographical location, climate, and rich soil provide the perfect conditions for olive cultivation. In this blog, we'll explore the production, varieties, and contemporary trends of olive oil in Turkey. Key Statistics: Turkey Olive Oil...

تجارة هب هي إحدى منصات التجارة الإلكترونية للأعمال بين الشركات (B2B) واسعة النطاق، حيث تتيح للشركات المصنعة المعتمدة ببيع منتجاتهم للمشترين عبر خدمات "من المصنِع للمشتري"، علاوةً على أنها توفر للشركات المُصنّعة سوقًا يمكنهم من خلاله الوصول إلى المشترين المخلصين لهم، والذين يتسوقون عبر الإنترنت لشراء السلع المصنوعة يدويًا ، كما إنها منصة تقدم خدمات...

The traditional B2B relationship between buyers and sellers has been slowly changing in the last few years, especially after Covid-19 pandemic. Customer behavior was forced to change; instead of in-person meetings or events, interactions pivoted to video calls, online chat and eCommerce. According to Mckinsey 74% of B2B buyers research at least half of...

Turkey's soft drinks industry is known for its diverse flavors and quality. Soft drinks are rich in vitamins and some healthy food for the body. Turkey adheres to local and European health standards, as the European market is one of the most important importers of Turkish soft drinks products. The most important thing about Turkey's soft drinks...

The processed food market in Saudi Arabia is witnessing substantial growth, fueled by increasing imports, a flourishing local manufacturing sector, and a shift towards healthier eating habits. In this blog, we'll explore the Saudi processed food market, focusing on Saudis' eating behaviors, emerging trends, and key international trade fairs   Key...

The processed food market in East Africa is undergoing significant transformation, driven by shifting consumer preferences, urbanization, and economic development. As the region experiences rapid population growth and rising disposable incomes, the demand for convenient and ready-to-eat food products is on the rise. In this article, we will explore the...

In the ever-evolving realm of food wholesale distribution, the pursuit of efficiency reigns supreme. Amidst the increasing demands of consumers, food & beverage suppliers , wholesale food suppliers, and distributors alike are perpetually on the lookout for strategies to streamline their intricate supply chains while upholding unwavering standards of...

In the wake of unprecedented global shifts, businesses are navigating uncharted waters, adapting to a new normal characterized by uncertainty and rapid change. Amidst these challenges, innovative platforms like TijaraHub have become increasingly crucial, empowering businesses to thrive in an evolving landscape. As a leading B2B wholesale marketplace...

In the fast-paced world of B2B commerce, businesses are constantly seeking innovative solutions to streamline operations, expand their reach, and drive growth. Enter TijaraHub's B2B wholesale marketplace —a dynamic platform designed to revolutionize wholesale trade and empower businesses to unlock their full potential. With a range of cutting-edge...

The tradition of skincare and beauty practices in Turkey dates back centuries, with influences from ancient civilizations like the Greeks, Romans, and Ottomans. Today, the Turkish skincare and cosmetics sector marry traditional wisdom with cutting-edge innovation, catering to both domestic and international markets. Key Statistics on Turkish Skincare...

In the dynamic world of beauty and skincare, businesses rely on a vast network of suppliers to stock their shelves with high-quality products that cater to their customers' needs. For businesses operating, finding reliable wholesale suppliers of beauty products is paramount to success. This is where TijaraHub's B2B Marketplace steps in, offering a...

Honey has been an integral part of Egyptian culture and cuisine for thousands of years. In ancient times, honey was not only valued as a sweetener but also revered for its medicinal properties and symbolic significance. The ancient Egyptians believed that honey was a gift from the gods and used it in religious ceremonies, embalming rituals, and even as...

Turkey's association with raisin production dates back centuries, rooted in its fertile soil, favorable climate, and a tradition of meticulous farming practices. The country's diverse geography, spanning from the Mediterranean to the Aegean regions, provides an ideal environment for cultivating grapes. Turkish farmers have mastered the art of raisin...

Spices and herbs have played a significant role in the history and culture of the UAE. As a hub of trade and commerce for centuries, the region has been a melting pot of cultures and cuisines, each contributing its unique blend of flavors and aromas. The ancient spice routes that traversed through the Arabian Peninsula brought a plethora of exotic spices...

The GCC frozen poultry and meat market has experienced steady growth, driven by factors such as a rising population, urbanization, and changing lifestyles. The convenience of frozen products, coupled with the increasing demand for protein-rich diets, has contributed to the market's expansion. This article provides an overview of the GCC frozen poultry...

The home appliances sector in GCC market is currently undergoing a significant change where consumers are starting to shift from traditional products towards more spontaneous, elegant, and appealing products. The increase in purchasing power and improving lifestyles are fostering the demand for smart home appliances around the world, especially across...

تُعَد سوق الأثاث في دول الخليج قطاعًا حيويًا يشهد تحولات ديناميكية في اتجاهاته. يسلط هذا المقال الضوء على تطورات تفضيلات المستهلكين في المنطقة، حيث يرصد التغيرات الحديثة في اختياراتهم وفهمهم للفخامة، وكيف أثرت هذه التحولات على سوق الأثاث المحلي. يُقدم المقال رؤى شاملة حول التوجهات الحالية والمستقبلية، مع التركيز على دور التجارة الإلكترونية والمعارض...

In the tapestry of global fashion, the UAE emerges not just as a trendsetter but as a key player in the import and export of ready-made garments. From being the top GCC importer to serving as a bustling export hub, the UAE's garment industry weaves together tradition, luxury, and innovation in a captivating narrative. As the market continues to...

Turkish Food

If you're considering diversifying your food business, exploring the addition of Turkish food and beverage items is worth your attention. It's not just us who are saying this, but the demand for Turkish food is becoming a big opportunity for businesses worldwide. It's not just about popular items like döner and delicious baklava. You can serve the...

Turkish Fashion Online

In the vibrant world of Turkish fashion, a significant transformation is underway, driven by the relentless force of online platforms. As technology continues to reshape the way we shop and interact, Turkish fashion entrepreneurs are navigating this digital revolution to unlock new avenues of growth. This blog explores the multifaceted impact of online...

Handmade products

Saudi Arabia's love affair with handcrafted goods is flourishing. A recent report by Euromonitor International reveals a 7.5% annual growth in the handmade market, projected to reach $4.3 billion by 2027. This rising demand isn't just about aesthetics; consumers are increasingly value-driven, seeking authenticity, quality, and a story behind their...

The culinary landscape of the United Arab Emirates (UAE) has undergone a remarkable transformation in recent years, with a growing focus on diverse flavours and international cuisines. One significant aspect contributing to this change is the burgeoning market for sauces and dressings. In this article, we will explore the current...

All Home Appliances

It is now essential, not a choice, for businesses to adapt to the digital revolution in this highly competitive business environment. If you are running a home appliance business, then you may be seeing to thrive in the modern marketplace. Household appliances are a necessity for any household, and in 2024, the revenue of the Turkish market in...

Turkish Fashion Guide

In the ever-evolving landscape of Turkish Fashion, suppliers looking to amplify their presence and achieve financial growth have a potent ally in TijaraHub. This B2B platform is tailored to cater specifically to the intricacies of the Turkish fashion market, including Turkish women clothes online, by offering tools and features that can propel businesses...

Following a few months of trial operations aimed at ensuring that our services meet the elevated standards we uphold, we are delighted to announce our official launch. The platform currently displays the products of more than 300 Egyptian and Turkish factories in diversified industries such as food & beverage, fashion & textile, home appliances,...

   تعكس إيرادات المبيعات حجم الطلب المتزايد وفرص التصدير المحتملة في عام 2022 بلغت واردات السعودية من القمصان والبلوزات النسائية (61.8 مليون دولار أمريكي) بزيادة قدرها 26.6% مقارنة بعام 2021، مما يشير إلى تزايد حجم الطلب في السوق. في حين أن الصين تتصدر قائمة الدول الموردة بما يقارب نصف إجمالي الواردات، تليها المغرب والهند وتركيا بقيمة (7.4) و(6.3)...

When talking about the B2B e-commerce marketplace, TijaraHub emerges as a game-changer, offering a comprehensive solution for businesses engaged in multi-vendor trade. With its door-to-door support and emphasis on flexibility, TijaraHub stands out as a platform that not only streamlines trade processes but also enhances the overall experience for...

تعد صناعة ملابس الأطفال في المملكة العربية السعودية صناعة حية، إذ أنها لا تنفك تتغير وتتطور باستمرار وتعكس القيم الثقافية وأنماط الحياة المتغيرة داخل المملكة. ومع الارتفاع الملحوظ في الزيادة السكانية، ارتفع حجم الطلب على ملابس الأطفال الأنيقة وعالية الجودة. سنسلط الضوء على النقاط الرئيسية التي تشكل أهم ملامح تطور هذا القطاع من خلال النقاط التالية:...

In the dynamic landscape of the B2B ecommerce marketplace, where every decision can shape the trajectory of success, TijaraHub emerges as a game-changer, providing an unmatched B2B ecommerce marketplace experience for suppliers and purchasers alike.  TijaraHub has taken the ecommerce space by storm, leveraging technical competence, economic...

Ever stare at an empty fridge, wishing you had something magical?  Forget about the wilted greens and freezer-burned mystery meats.  But with the best quality Egyptian frozen food , things have changed their tune.  According to reports , imports of frozen food in Egypt are expected to rise from $12.6 billion in 2021 to around $14.4 billion by 2026....

يظهر استكشاف المزيج الثري للنكهات في سوق الأغذية والمشروبات الإماراتية مدى الامتزاج العجيب بين الأصالة والمعاصرة. تقدم هذه  السوق بوصفها ملتقى للثقافات طيفًا شهيًّا من خبرات الطهي المُعتَّقة التي تشهد على التنوع التراثي للبلاد ومدى تأثيرها العالمي، فبدءًا بالتوابل العطرية التي تحمل عَبق طُرق التجارة القديمة وصولًا إلى مغامرات الطهي الحديثة، تأخذنا...

 تركت المملكة العربية السعودية في السنوات القليلة الماضية أثرًا ملحوظًا في سوق الملابس والعلامات التجارية الخاصة بالأزياء. سنتناول، عبر مدونتنا، جوانب متنوعة من ذلك على نحوٍ أكثر تعمقًا من خلال النقاط التالية: سوق الملابس في المملكة العربية السعودية. تخفيف القيود المفروضة على قواعد اللبس للمرأة. علامات تجارية جديدة واعدة...

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